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STOP Bedwetting Forever With M.O.P.
Welcome to M.O.P.: An Introduction for Parents (VIDEO) (3:07)
Introduction Recap: The 5 Key Ideas Behind M.O.P.
From Dr. Hodges to Your Child (VIDEO) (1:41)
What to Expect from this Course
Section 1: What is M.O.P.?
Section 1 Overview
How Constipation Triggers Bedwetting and Accidents
M.O.P. Cheat Sheet
The 5 M.O.P. Rules Explained
What to Expect from M.O.P.
Why Some Kids Outgrow Bedwetting — And Others Don’t
2-Minute Animated Video (2:02)
Section 2: The Science Behind M.O.P.
Section 2 Overview
Origins of M.O.P.: The Mysterious Case of the Bedwetting 5-Year-Old
"Deep Sleep" and 5 Other Mythical Causes of Bedwetting
Why Enemas Work Better Than Anything Else
Why Bedwetting Drugs Fail
6 Other Remedies That Fail or Fall Short
Section 3: Diagnosing Constipation in Your Child
Section 3 Overview
Why Constipation Goes Unnoticed
12 Signs Your Child is Constipated
When to X-ray a Child for Constipation
How to Read an X-ray for Constipation
Why So Many Kids Are Constipated
Section 4: M.O.P. Safety: Guidelines and FAQ
Section 4 Overview
Yes, M.O.P. is Safe! (VIDEO) (5:28)
M.O.P. Safety Rules
Enema Safety FAQ
About Laxative Safety
Section 5: Getting Your Child, Partner, and Doctor on Board
Section 5 Overview
Your Child May Not Be As Freaked Out As You Think
11 Ways to Ease Your Child’s Fear of Enemas
If Your Doctor Disagrees
The Physician's Guide to M.O.P.
“Help! My husband thinks M.O.P. is crazy!”
Section 6: Choosing Your M.O.P. Supplies
Section 6 Overview
Enemas, Laxatives, and Stools, Oh My! Supplies for M.O.P. (VIDEO) (3:14)
Choosing an Enema
Choosing a Laxative
Why Your Child Needs a Toilet Stool
Section 7: Starting M.O.P.
Section 7 Overview
How to Give an Enema in 5 Easy Steps
How to Do an Oral Clean-Out
Pooping Tips
Tracking Your Child’s Progress
Color Your Poop: Tracking Charts for Children
About That "Spontaneous Poop"
Section 8: For the Toughest Cases: M.O.P.+
Section 8 Overview
When M.O.P. Isn’t Enough: Introducing M.O.P.+ (VIDEO) (2:10)
What is M.O.P.+?
M.O.P.+ Supply List
5 Steps to Giving a Large-Volume Enema
Double M.O.P. — Adding Oil-Retention Enemas
Plan C: Beyond M.O.P.+ and Double M.O.P.
Section 9: Preventing a Relapse
Section 9 Overview
7 Guidelines for Preventing a Relapse
Key Scientific Studies
The O'Regan Studies
Dr. Hodges' Enema v. Miralax Study
Enema safety Study
The "Hong Kong" Study
Dr. Hodges' Potty Training Study
Bedwetting and Accidents Aren't Your Fault
Jane and the Giant Poop
Dr. Pooper's Activity Book and Poop Calendar for Kids
Answers to 52 Questions About M.O.P.
Most Popular Downloads
12 Signs Your Child is Constipated (infographic only)
How's Your Poop? (chart to post in bathroom)
M.O.P. Cheat Sheet
The Physician's Guide to M.O.P. (handout for your doctor)
M.O.P. Tracking Calendar (for parents)
Color Your Poop Calendars (for kids)
The M.O.P. Progression (flow chart of M.O.P. versions)
Why Some Kids Outgrow Bedwetting — And Others Don’t
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